The Friendship Manifesto 🌈

  1. I want to be friends with everyone. Not with Nazis and animal haters though. And not with "some other group"-haters too. But "hater"-haters are OK, I guess, as I am one of them myself. But that is the only exception to this rule I can think of. Also I don't really hate the haters, I just feel sad for them.
  2. So friends. Friends do friendly stuff together: hang around, have fun and discuss everything from personal topics to celebrity gossip. Friends care about each other and help each other. That is what friends are for, right? To be there when you need them, someone to share something very good or something very bad happening to you. Because they are ✨ Your True Friends ✨
  3. A relationship with each of your friends is unique. We may have specific conversation topics with one friend, but not with another. With one of your friends you can go roller skating, but you usually go watching movies with a different one. Because from each of your friends you can learn something new and with each of them you can find a new way to be yourself.
  4. Some people prefer having "the best friend". I am not one of them. I prefer having a close group of my "best friends" – plural. And I call them "best" not just because they are exceptional and amazing as human beings, as well as I get a ton of inspiration and positive emotions from each one of them. But mainly because I dearly value relationships I have created with them and would like to continue having more fun times with these people until death sets as apart. Or something like that but less dramatic, you know.
  5. Anyway, back to friends. Friends do not want to "own" each other. Friends want to see each other developing fully and flourishing in their lives as they see them. For which personal freedom is an absolutely basic essential. That is why friendships should never be exclusive. It is a big no-no to say that "You can only hang out with me if you don't hang out with Joe and Jane". Of course, if Joe and Jane are heroin addicts with bad influence over you, then that could be exactly the right thing to say. Or perhaps even heroin addicts need compassion and someone not judgemental about their life choices. I don't know, life is so complicated sometimes 🤷
  6. Do friends have sex with each other? Sometimes yes, why not? Sex is fun, at least as I remember it. Of course, until you start making babies with it like proper Catholics do. So don't be these kinds of "friends" with Catholics, ever. They don't do friendships, they do "marriage", remember that, kids.
  7. Did I tell already that friends love each other? I mean if we define love as wanting to spend time with someone and truly care for this person, then every friendship without love would not be a real friendship. Because friends are there for your best and worst moments in life, remember?
  8. So what do you do if one of your friends is having bad feelings about you hanging out with a new friend you have met recently? And you being all excited about having fun with this new friend and learning a ton of stuff from them? I don't know, you tell me what to do about that and I will be golden. But whatever you do to fix your hurt friend, you cannot let this ruin the friend experience with you for everybody else. Because friendships are more important then just one person. Friendships are 🌠 The Only True Way 🌠 to bring joy to life and provide care for each other. And you would not want for that to stop happening, right?
  9. So remember. Friendship for everyone, with everyone and because of everyone. Together as friends we are united and can change the world so that it finally becomes worth saving. So many of us are struggling right now and we need full support of anyone who can help to overcome that struggle. Learn the lesson of friendship and teach it to as many other people you encounter on your way to singularity. Amen.

Writen with 💜 by a friend in 2022 · v1.3 · CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 · Typos & spam